Wednesday, April 16, 2008

關於 ATS

ATS | Lucie | Red Lotus Bellydance

這篇關於 ATS 的介紹來自於 FCBD 官網,經由我擷取出其中的重點,進行翻譯。


美國部落風肚皮舞 (ATS) FatChanceBellyDance 舞團團長,Carolena Nerricio所創之舞蹈。


Carolena 所創之美國部落風肚皮舞一詞,從「美國」二字即可看出,這並非傳統的肚皮舞,「部落風」描述舞者間的集體創作過程,還有「部落風」的舞服造型。

Carolena 對於肚皮舞起源的文化有相當深厚的尊崇,而身為藝術家的她更希望利用不同的源流拼湊出她的藝術視野:「我想要為我採用的文化起點注入更新的創作概念,但也想保護它的完整性,不容他人咨意將其分解剝離。」以吉普賽的強韌適應力作為根基,Carolena所創造出的舞蹈藝術架構主要強調重點即為「具有藝術美感之風格」,同時又能表現強大的舞台張力。因此,FatChance所選擇的音樂均為能激發其創造靈感的樂曲,同時更烘托舞團力求表現的部落、民俗舞蹈風格。




Anonymous said...

Hi Lucie,

This is snow, I saw you through bellydance lounge forum. I live in Los Angeles now and have been dancing bellydance for 4 years. Mostly Suhaila style and tribal fusion (Aubre is my teacher). Just wondering by any chance you know anyone is teaching FCBD ATS in west LA area?

I dance with SuperKate before and she teaches some ATS basic but more of her own style. But I am looking forward to getting know more about the FCBD style and maybe you can give me some hint.

Nice to meet you and enjoy your trip to Taiwan.

Lucie said...

Hey snow,

Glad to have met you.:)
I am very excited to offer you a great piece of news: there is a new FCBD Sister Studio teacher in the southern California area!

Her name is Sooz, she took the teacher's training with me and has just been certified as Sister Studio - this means that she is an independent teacher who teaches nothing but pure ATS,100% what FCBD teaches!

You can see her class schedule + contact information right here:

She's a great lady, very fun, very energetic, and totally passionate about ATS. I'm sure you'd have a great time studying with her.

Welcome to the family of ATS!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lucie,

Sooz! I know her through She is a great dancer indeed but too bad she is in Orange county which is quite far of the drive from LA. Just keep me posted if you know any more FCBD sister studio in the LA area I will very appreciate!