Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Carolena 給台灣ATS學生的一封信




2007 年訪台之行讓我非常愉快,而妳們在學習 ATS 的認真態度也讓我非常感動。我瞭解遠端學習並非易事,而距離往往造成溝通上的隔閡。妳們之中有些人曾前來舊金山親自與我們上課,但我知道還有其他許多人並無此機會。我很遺憾不能更常親自造訪台灣,因此我派 Lucie Tuan 前往台灣,希望能帶給各位有如親至FCBD教室的上課體驗。

Lucie 從 2003 年起便於我門下努力學習,展現對 ATS 的執著與深刻瞭解。歷經多年的訓練後,她成為一名美麗的 ATS 舞者。為了要將她送往台灣,我對她進行相當詳細的訓練,不止涵跨舞蹈技巧,更傳授她我的ATS教學方式。

她將帶回台灣一系列經由我親自核可,且特別為台灣學生需求量身訂作的ATS課程內容。在此系列課程中,妳們將得到宛如親來舊金山 FCBD 教室的體驗。我相信這將會為各位帶來對ATS更深一層的瞭解。

祝各位學習 ATS 之途順利,希望能有機會再見。

Carolena Nerricio
2008 年4月3日


Dear Taiwan students,

I enjoyed my 2007 trip to Taiwan very much and was touched by your efforts in learning ATS. I understand that distant learning is not always easy and gaps in communication often occur due to our geographical distance. Some of you have come to San Francisco to study with us directly, but I know many of you have not yet had such an opportunity. I regret that I cannot be there more frequently in person, so I am
sending Lucie Tuan to bring to you the FCBD Studio experience.

Lucie has studied diligently with me since 2003, showing her full dedication and understanding of ATS. Throughout the years, she has grown into a beautiful ATS dancer. In order to send her to you, I have given her detailed instruction not only on dance technique, but also on how to teach ATS with my methodology.

She is bringing back with her an ATS learning curriculum approved by me, specially designed to meet your needs.In the workshop series you will be receiving instruction as if you flied to San Francisco to study in our FCBD Studio. I believe this will help you very much in gaining further understanding about the essence of ATS.

I wish you every success along the way in studying ATS and hope to see you in the near future.

April 3, 2008

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